These guys are talking about control.

(two interestin




N3 217 Mind Games 03.10.06

Run Dates


03.10.06 N3 217 Mind Games

08.25.06 N3 217 Mind Games

Mind Games (episode #30)
Originally aired: Friday March 10, 2006 on CBS
Writer: Andrew Dettman
Director: Peter Markel
Story: Peter MacNicol

Production Code: 217

Show Stars: Judd Hirsch (Alan Eppes), Dylan Bruno (Colby Granger), Diane Farr (Megan Reeves), David Krumholtz (Charlie Eppes), Alimi Ballard (David Sinclair), Rob Morrow (Don Eppes), Peter MacNicol (Dr. Larry Fleinhardt), Navi Rawat (Amita Ramanujan)

All Guest Stars: Bill Sage (Scott Winnard), Curtis Mark Williams (Agent #1), Damian Delgado (Male migrant worker), Mirelly Taylor (Lupe Sandovol), Darren Pettie (Agent Cullen), Jacob Vargas (Victor Borrego), Cassandra Freeman (Tech), Sheffer Stevens (Search Team Member Eric), John Glover (Samuel Kraft)

Charlie becomes outraged when he learns a psychic led the police to the crime scene where the bodies of illegal immigrants were found on government-owned land, and he sets out to prove the man is a fraud.




reference 60min Sunday - sketch commercial

science versus - psychics






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heavy metal music - sketching crime scene - psychic on suspect list

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pieces to a jig saw puzzle

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tells Megan about herself - upset over him knowing her business -  Charley no scientific evidence of psychic ability - Don he's not just throwing Darts

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Charley not impressed - psychic knows about charley mother (standing besides you)   (assumed) died ?

Charley upset

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- sketches - these are like dreams they have to be interpreted

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do we have any idea what the "15 SB" mean ?

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Charley - I'm not you (U) now

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psychic - water -  I sense water

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