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Recommends Korrekt

What's In Your Blood ?

Artwork John Zeleznik

What's in your skin ?

New  Clorox Ad Public

Disinformation   >Lab<


I  represent  your  skin there's lots of room for load  & stuff  to grow !



Magic  gas  keeps you warm   that's  Korrekt !

Are you eating it or

is  it  eating  you  ?



10.06.05 Daisy's & 11.14.05 Chloe


06.09.05 The Cut
09.17.05 Target Me & My Shadow - pull (reverse food) - they laugh ! lenders & killers

Nanotechnology & Programmable Matter

09.24.05 48 Hours Back From The Dead
  10.06.05 - 10.07.05 confirm date - Daisy's surgery canceled  - anesthesia caused seizure - most likely caused by controllers not sure why or what it is related to. Daisy is the name of family cat (kitten) #2. waiting for links if any.  New gold purse first saw it on 10.06.05 (not mine- links) 10.06.05 WAT - Safe  WTC / 911 Ryan Adams - Gold

10.06.05 CSI L - 603  Bite Me - Reed Diamond (Ray Lester)



10.06.05 WAT - Safe - 911/WTC Shane Haboucha (Ryan Wallace) - Shawn H. Smith as LaQuan  links  WTC / 911 Ryan Adams - Gold



10.12.05 took Daisy to the vet 3:00pm second visit - CSI commercials hint at a Chloe - Chloe is the name of family cat #1


10.12.05 CBS commercial for Thursday 10.13.05 episodes of CSI & Without a Trace

CSI -  Ketamine cult suicide -

WAT - prostitute missing - new cast member "Chloe" code name in episode.

10.13.05 WAT - From The Ashes

Roselyn Sanchez - Brunette
as Elena Delgado
Poppy Montgomery-  Blonde
as Samantha Spade
10.12.05 - 203 CSI N - Zoo York - CSI - tiger - possible link to Daisy zoo - cats


10.13.05 Daisy picked up from vet 3:00pm

10.13.05 CSI L - 604 Shooting Stars - Ketamine part of primary topic (Ketamine cat tranquilizer) Joseph Diamond & Claudia Katz as Cult Member #4 - most likely reason for 2nd vet visit (not sure of anesthetic used)

10.13.05 WAT - From The Ashes - Chloe - children's story "dragon" mentioned

rerun 01.12.06 WAT - From The Ashes - possible link to an appointment

10.15.05 - Jaguar smashes into pet grooming store
10.15.05 - mustang crashes into house - sponge bob - brushing teeth - plaque link -

10.13.05 - 604 CSI L - Shooting Stars  - Joseph Diamond & Claudia Katz as Cult Member #4

10.16.05 Popular dog toy "Crack Balls" pulled from pet stores due to ingestion - Diamond pattern on vets clothing. Reference 12.08.05 CSI L - 610 Still Life neighbors dog named 14:00 - 16:00 McCracken - balls over fence

12.18.05 The Christmas Blessing CBS



12.29.05 CSI L - 604 Shooting Stars



Vet notes & Pics



11.25.05 Chloe  - as the above page was assembled - Chloe (family pet cat #1) became ill. She began to loose weight she was taken to the vet , her health improved almost immediately seemed to stabilize most of the month yet became very sick 12.16.05 she went back to the same condition where she was at on or before 11.25.05, I am not sure if it was the recent rerun of 12.15.05 CSI L -  603 Bite Me  reference 10.06.05 and  12.15.05 WAT - Safe reference 10.06.05. As of 12.17.05 she still alive hopefully her health will improve.  The media links and cycle seems to show her health problems are due to control.


12.18.05 Chloe - pronounced dead 1:00 pm


12.18.05 The Christmas Blessing CBS  - Sean died

12.18.05 CC - Franks Best - Sean McLaughlin - EMT Scott McLaughlin died traffic accident check VR

12.18.05 KGO Matters truck over turned - reference photo of Chloe 12.18.05



we have an appointment at 3:00pm - "Fantastic" (K) - Vet says Chloe is old should be put to sleep - anything else you can do? blood test - x ray - you need more time how about antibiotics subcutaneous fluid injection - pay - $108.50 a few drops of the antibiotic amoxicillin she springs back to life within a day and has a voracious appetite seems like she'll be better.

11.26.05 ABC - ER 212 Touch and Go original air date 1.08.04

10.00.05 - Chloe - becoming very reserved - and in active

10.00.05 Chloe - becoming increasingly ill not eating or drinking loosing weight

11.16.05 - 11.18.05 - (K) made appointment for Chloe to be put to sleep due to illness

KPIX 2 part special Home hospice for pets versus euthanasia (euthanization)

11.26.05 Chloe Vet  Kate called approximately 10:00pm appointment 2:00pm arrived 2:15pm

VR -

amount due 108.50 (reference photo's & 11.26.05 ER 212 Touch and Go & 108 link - pending)

amoxicillin - expiration date 7.07 (reference 11.26.05 CSI L - 513 Nesting Dolls - Chloe Tar rerun date 7.07.05 )

after bank photo

801 Van 

silver astro van - bailey


pet hospice - KPIX 11.15.05 - 11.20.05

TV Programming 11.26.05

11.26.05 Cold Case - pending

11.26.05 CSI L - 513 Nesting Dolls - Chloe 39m tar rerun date 7.07.05 (reference amoxicillin date expiration) 53m Chloe tar

11.26.05 Back Draft ABC  - William Baldwin - Rebecca De Mornay

11.26.05 KGO 11pm - Carborad Kitty  Lee Glaser weather - reference cardboard cat card in food that was oin dryer - cat that got hit same day card board in front of car same day as medical appointment


11.26.05 SNL Steve Carrell (00:82) Debbie Downer - feline aids

11.27.05 Sleepers CBS reference Brad Pits - Kevin Bacon (Sean Nokes)

11.27.05 Volcano CBS - La Brea Tar Pits




11.15.05 Part 1 of Pet Hospice KPIX special Dr Kim Mulvihill reporting
11.15.05 Part 2 of Pet Hospice KPIX special Dr Kim Mulvihill reporting
11.21.05 Darren Dorsey Charged With Attempted Murder After Driving Son Into Lake

Melissa Hawkinsons & Major Craig Aldrich (Clay County Sheriffs office)

10.06.05 WAT - Safe - safe in background -
Dishwalla - Pet Your Friends 02 Haze



12.14.05 LLS Poppy Montgomery Mancow (911) Jim Gaffigan  - video pending



12.15.05 CSI L -  603 Bite Me reference 10.06.05



12.15.05 WAT - Safe reference 10.06.05 WAT - Safe


  12.08.05 CSI L - 610 Still Life neighbors dog named 14:00 - 16:00 McCracken - balls over fence

12.18.05 Chloe passed away early morning - 12.18.05 Berkley Animal Shelter Floods KPIX

Mother Love Bone - Chloe Dancer / Crown Of Thorns (burn you bridges Transmatter Control Agent) - The Passion of The Christ

12.28.05 Match Point - Emily Mortimer .... Chloe Hewett Wilton Links A Meta-Analysis of The Mayo Clinic’s Study: Instructor :Hewit

01.01.06 Surrender Dorothy CBS -  strikes match to Sara

  12.28.05 CSI N 203 Zoo York


  01.03.06 - DL - dominos - cat table telephone - Cat dials 911


01.11.06 - Tari - or Tori needed treatment after cat attacked her




12.08.05 CSI L - 610 Still Life neighbors dog named 14:00 - 16:00 McCracken balls over fence

12.18.05 The Christmas Blessing CBS

12.18.05 GA - Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head ?

12.18.05 219 ER - The Student  ? we'd be talking about Carburetors right now 00:17 cat sound laugh wrapped in curtain

12.18.05 EMT Killed In Traffic Accident -Scott McLaughlin VR 10.12.05 00:00:49

12.18.05 Mattress Truck Over Turns On Highway Cause Chain Reaction Accident

12.18.05 Berkley Animal Shelter Floods KPIX

12.18.05 Classic Car Restoration Shop Flooded KPIX

12.18.05 Blues Clues - Steve - Sam Orange Kitten paw print clues -

12.18.05 KPIX 11pm CHP - Trenton Cross

12.19.05 Dragon Heart ABC 12:30am - recorded 00:25 - 00:27 Mouth tired of lurking in holes


Pending links

11.21.05 Darren Dorsey Charged With Attempted Murder After Driving Son Into Lake

11.08.05 Dr. Zehra Attari Missing 


01.06.06 TPC mattress 350

01.08.06 Cold Case - 311 8 Years - Cat emergency - 56:00


01.12.06 WAT - From The Ashes - Chloe - children's story "dragon" mentioned


01.15.06 Jesse Stone: Night Passage CBS - euthanized his dog 01:36





Over The Hedge



Recent links (one year later) 

10.23.06 HIMYM 206 Aldrin Justice -  blue blanket tower - (Major Craig Aldrich (Clay County Sheriffs office 11.21.05 Darren Dorsey Charged With Attempted Murder After Driving Son Into Lake) - (links 10.12.06 LLS Jennifer Beals - purple dress - Links Delta)

10.23.06 TAHM 406 Apologies For The Frivolity - Daisy's - color links green orange

11.01.06 CM 207 North Mammon - blue green blanket (decide)\

11.03.06 Pet Medicine Eastern Approach Daisy & Rosanne Gould Cat

11.06.06 HIMYM 207 Crazy Eyes - Chloe

11.06.06 LLS Val Kilmer Rebecca Gayheart Paolo Nutini

11.08.06 JERI 108 Rogue River - Sterling D. Ardrey (Samuel Hawkins) & April D. Parker (Darcy Hawkins) - (reference Melissa Hawkinsons - Darren Dorsey Charged With Attempted Murder After Driving Son Into Lake)

11.08.06 JERI 108 Rogue River - Jazz Raycole (Allison Hawkins), Bob Stephenson (Jimmy)

11.08.06 CSI N 308 Consequences - Robbie Alexander (Cyrus Menlo)







The Passion Of The Christ

Keith Barry  Extraordinary Second   Sight   From   A "Mind Control Expert"


"It's not a cover up!"

90%  of  household  dust truth uncovered    >Lab<

A Beautiful Mind

If all  homes  have  mold so does your body  (CLX)  


The Constant Gardner (R)

Possible  connection  to  the cause  of  hurricane  Katrina


No   need    for   a    Zoe Implant.     You   already have   a  similar  &  more powerful  one.  See  The Final Cut Trailer  &  BJM

Homers Under Control !

Sounds    more     like    a cracking    sound       than paper shredding.  Is this a threat,    an    answer    or what's going on at offices around   the  world.   The WTC   had   an   invisible substance in the building that  made  the   structure fail.


Korrekt Television

Psycho Sounding   

A   means   of   obtaining information      from     an individual's mind  without his   will   and  awareness

We  are  all   victims  of a  large  scale  study similar to this  information stated on a Russian website.

About Control        >1  2<




These guys are talking about control.

(two interestin